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Ray, A.J., G. Garfin, M. Wilder, M. Vásquez-León, M. Lenart, A. Comrie, 2007. Applications of monsoon research and forecasts: A review and synthesis.  Journal of Climate 20(9): 1608-1627. Click here for pdf file.

Garfin, G., M. Lenart, 2007. Climate Change Effects on Southwest Water Resources. Southwest Hydrology 6 (1): 16-17, 34. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, M., F.N. Scatena, D.A. Falk and W.R. Osterkamp, 2010. Estimating soil turnover rate from tree uprooting during hurricanes in Puerto Rico. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 1076-1084. Click here for PDF file.

Garfin, G.M., J.K. Eischeid, M.T. Lenart, K.L. Cole, K. Ironside, and N. Cobb, 2010. Downscaling climate projections in topographically diverse landscapes of the Colorado Plateau in the arid Southwestern United States, pages 21-44 in van Riper III, C., B.F. Wakeling, and T.D. Sisk, The Colorado Plateau V: Shaping Conservation through Science and Management, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 347. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, Melanie, 2006. Islands in a Sea of Change. Restoring Connections, Newsletter of the Sky Island Alliance, 9(3): 8-9. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, M., 2006. Collaborative stewardship to prevent wildfires. Environment 48(7): 8-21. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, M., C. Jones, B. Kimball, 2006. Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels and Forest Management (Climate Change and Variability in the Southwest Ecosystem Series) | Cooperative Extension | The University of Arizona, Climate Change and Variability in the Southwest Ecosystem Series, AZ1395. Click here for PDF file.

DeGomez, T., M. Lenart, 2006. Management of Forests and Woodlands (Climate Change and Variability in Southwest Ecosystems Series) | Cooperative Extension | The University of Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Extension fact sheet, Climate Change and Variability in the Southwest Ecosystem Series, AZ1424. Click here for PDF file.

Osterkamp, W.R., T.J. Toy and M.T. Lenart, 2006. Development of partial rock veneers by root throw in a subalpine setting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31(1): 1-14. Click here for PDF file.

Jacobs, K., G. Garfin, M. Lenart, 2005. More Than Just Talk: Connecting Science and Decisionmaking. Environment 47(9): 6-21. Click here for PDF file.

Garfin, G.M., M. Lenart, T. Brown, R. Ochoa, and H. Hockenberry, 2005. Fire season could mean double trouble for West. Wildfire 14(3): 6-7. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, M., T. Brown, H. Hockenberry, and G. Garfin, 2005. National Seasonal Assessment Workshop: Western States & Alaska. Forecast of significant fire potential in western states for the upcoming season. Outlooks prepared during March 28-April 1, 2005, meeting in Boulder, Colorado, of fire managers and fuel specialists using seasonal climate forecasts and interpretations of climate analogs. 29 pp. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, M., T. Brown, H. Hockenberry, and G. Garfin, 2005. National Seasonal Assessment Workshop: Eastern & Southern States. Forecast of significant fire potential in eastern states for the upcoming season. Outlooks prepared during January 19-21, 2005, meeting in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, of fire managers and fuel specialists using seasonal climate forecasts and interpretations of climate analogs. 31 pp. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, Melanie, Gregg Garfin and Jonathan Overpeck, 2004. The Heat is On, published in the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s membership magazine sonorensis 24(1): 20-28. Click here for PDF file.

Lenart, Melanie T., 2003. A comparative study of soil disturbance from uprooted trees, and pit and mound decay, in Puerto Rico and Colorado. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona.

Lenart, Melanie T., 2000. Soil disturbance by the uprooting of trees during a windstorm, Routt National Forest, Colorado. Abstract, Proceedings of Geological Society of America, November meeting in Reno, Nevada.

Lenart, Melanie T., 2000. Soil disturbance by uprooted trees following Hurricane Georges, pages 28-30, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry Annual Letter 1998-99, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.

Mo Jing-ming, Sandra Brown, Guo-hui Kong, You-chang Zhang, Melanie Lenart. 1999. Nutrient distribution and cycling of a Masson’s pine planted forest in Dinghushan. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 19(5):635-649. in Chinese with English abstract.

Mo Jiang-ming, Kong Guo-hui, Brown Sandra, Zhang You-chang, Melanie Lenart. 1998. The primary study on the fine root biomass and its relationship with light organic matter in a pine forest in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve. Tropical and Subtropical Forest Ecosystem, 8:163-171, in Chinese with English abstract.

Mo, Jiang-ming, Kong Guo-hui, Brown Sandra, Melanie Lenart, 1997. Effects of litter and understory removal on soil N availability in a subtropical pine forest of China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 17(1):109-112, in Chinese with English abstract.

Mo, Jing-ming, Kong Guo-hui, Brown Sandra, Melanie Lenart, 1997. Litterfall decomposition and its nutrient dynamics of a pine forest in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 20(6):534-542. in Chinese with English abstract.

Mo., J., S. Brown, M. Lenart and G. Kong. 1995. Nutrient Dynamics of a Human-Impacted Pine Forest in a MAB Reserve of Subtropical China. Biotropica 27(3): 290-304.

Brown, S., M. Lenart, J. Mo and G. Kong. 1995. Structure and Organic Matter Dynamics of a Human-Impacted Pine Forest in a MAB Reserve of Subtropical China. Biotropica 27(3): 276-289.

Lenart, M.T., 1992. Organic matter dynamics in a human-impacted pine forest in subtropical China. Master’s Thesis, Department of Forestry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

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